welcome to this wellspring of love stories.

Hello, I’m Kate. I am a plant tender, a moon poet, star listener, soil devotee, and apprentice to the coyotes, clouds, songbirds, stones and the mystical human heart. I live, work, garden and wander from here in the high mountains of northern New Mexico.

The animate personality that lives in soil is one of my primary guides for understanding the hidden gifts that humans bring to this planet. Some people call these soil personalities gnomes- the name we call them is not so important, so much as our remembering of every aspect of our world as alive, conscious, and contributing something precious to the wild community of Earth.

The writings, poetry, inquiries and invitations I get to share here are part of my own unraveling and re-spinning of my relationship with the world. The more I have befriended the soil, studied the many different kinds of wind, and grown thousands upon thousands of flowers over the years, the more this one simple truth reveals itself: life on Earth is all about relationship. How we relate to the world around us in our own distinct way, and how we then allow ourselves to be moved by the world in return.

I dream of a collective ecological awakening that germinates from the human heart— where we remember how to hear and honor the voices of the other-than-human beings who share this planet with us. Where we reclaim our place in the web of kinship with everything. My dream is for us to slow down to the pace of the moon. To the thrum of moss growing. To the chant of your own heartbeat.

The heart of Gaia is a wild invisible sanctuary for exploring this mysterious love story of life on Earth. This is a place for feeling the texture of your own deepest longing. A place for remembering how to listen to the stones. A gentle place for your heart to unfold.

my garden after a monsoon, august 2022

I plan on sending new thoughts/writings to all subscribers at least once a month, but possibly more. I don’t have a publishing schedule at this point, just sharing glimmers as they arrive to me. Paid subscribers receive an additional writing each month, with surprises like poetry, audio contemplations, recipes and love notes.

Paid subscriptions are offered free to the BIPOC community, just send an email to kategardinerclearlight@gmail.com

Thank you so much for being here. It is a wild and precious gift to get to share what I love with you.

I’ve been circling for thousands of years, and I still don’t know: am I falcon, a storm, or a great song? (rilke)

thank you for reading the heart of gaia! subscribe to receive new writings, mysteries and contemplations for the path ahead.

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an ecology of miracles. love letters to moon and mycelium, poems & prayers for soil and stars.


Earth tender, poet, herbalist, beauty advocate. {moon listening, interspecies fluency, soul ecology, plant devotion}