Dear Kate your words always find me when I need them most! And I hope you know that even in your days of confusion, heartbreak, misery, you've been a light to so many people. I am forever devoted to your work which has brought ME guidance in my times of uncertainty. Truly. There is so much noise around us it's so difficult sometimes to decipher our own voice and heart from everyone else. I love the idea of a solo journey to find that voice again.
P.S. I also loved the snowflake story from your last newsletter! So fascinating
Val you have always been a force of love in my life, and I know you share that with everyone and everything in your world. I am so grateful we got to meet in person all those years ago, so that I can say that I actually know you, and call you my friend 💖💫 and fellow snowflake on the path.
I had been holding off on reading this until I could turn my entire attention toward it and, of course, your message reached me in the moment I needed to hear it most.
"Beautiful unfolding" will stay with me, too. thank you for sharing that gift.
Dear Kate your words always find me when I need them most! And I hope you know that even in your days of confusion, heartbreak, misery, you've been a light to so many people. I am forever devoted to your work which has brought ME guidance in my times of uncertainty. Truly. There is so much noise around us it's so difficult sometimes to decipher our own voice and heart from everyone else. I love the idea of a solo journey to find that voice again.
P.S. I also loved the snowflake story from your last newsletter! So fascinating
Val you have always been a force of love in my life, and I know you share that with everyone and everything in your world. I am so grateful we got to meet in person all those years ago, so that I can say that I actually know you, and call you my friend 💖💫 and fellow snowflake on the path.
Bonjour, Kate. This is a gift that will break. Like peanut brittle, I think, but a mischievious version.
🙊 this comment is a mischievous riddle of its own 😍 “this is a gift that will break” sounds like the opening line to my new favorite poem.
Thank you 🙏😭💙
Thank you for reading what I share, dear heart 💔🙏
I was already in tears reading this, but then I got to “heart howls and whale wails” and I lost it. This made me want to go outside and sing.
I will listen on the wind for your beautiful song 🙏💫
I had been holding off on reading this until I could turn my entire attention toward it and, of course, your message reached me in the moment I needed to hear it most.
"Beautiful unfolding" will stay with me, too. thank you for sharing that gift.
amen, may we reclaim our own wild unfolding as our journeys deeper into truth and purpose <3