Thank you again so much for your eloquent gift of articulation. Your words always touch such a deep place in my heart and help me to remember what is true and pure. Yes, our eyes allow beauty to reach us and upon reflecting on your inquiry, realized that beauty (for me) is actually an internal state of connected-ness with the Creator and all of Creation. Much love and gratitude for the poignant offering of your words and your exquisite aromatherapy blends

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Thank you so much for sharing this, and for reading what I send out with such a loving heart… I love that you conjured “connected-ness as an internal state” connection with self and everything !!! I feel this so much and it brings me into my own new levels of inquiry 🙏💖💫🕊️

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A re-envisioning of beauty, from a subjective and shallow judgment created by the human mind to a core striving of a conscious universe continually imagining and creating and expressing itself - I love it!

I found your writings through Marija Petkovska, and your words always ring true to me, call me deeper into myself. It seems as though we are each telling the same story in our own ways.

If you haven't discovered her yet, I believe you would resonate with the poetry of Hannah Elizabeth King: https://www.hannahelizabethking.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hannahbeeking/

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I absolutely love how you distilled it… that core striving 💔 I am so grateful to be connected, and I think one of the greatest gifts is to find that similar resonance with other humans, it also helps us distill the more subtle peculiarities about ourselves!! I cannot wait to check out Hannah’s poetry, thank you so much for sharing that with me.. and for being here and reading what I share 🙏🌏💖💫

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Beautiful devotion Kate. A walk guided in beauty engulfed the heart, love, elements a earth awakening! Sending warm hugs, love flowing 💗

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Laura your flow of love is so clear and so felt… even this comment is a journey of beauty. Your reflections mean so much to me and our world 💖🙏💫🕸️

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A balm for my heart on a Monday morning. Thank you so much 💕

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It means so much to know it speaks to you… and all the beauty that you are 💔🙏💖

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Ahh! I have been working on a piece about devotion - how one can be in love with (or even married to) things beyond the human, like one’s work. Snowflake Bentley sounds like the epitome of devotion. These thoughts on beauty add a whole other layer to what I’ve been ruminating on. Thank you

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I literally thought of you when I was writing about snowflake bentley. I wish the 3 of us could have tea and freak out about dew and ice crystals.

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That’s a dream I never knew I had until now ❄️

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My favorite thing I’ve read in a very long time. This one changed me. You are beauty Kate.

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i am so glad it helped you retrieve some of your own shimmering heart 🙏💔💫

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Thank you for this.

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