Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

Kate, the density of wisdom within your words is immense. Too many amazing lines to highlight. So much to savor, digest, and integrate. I am with you, in so many of the thoughts and understandings you share. What makes it such a pleasure, is to read how these deep meanings radiating from the soul of the world, are expressing themselves in your unique life experience - such as reading about your experience with the wolfish ones, your rolling in the grass and licking the dirt, camping alone. Yes!

Feeling a lot of thanks to Markael for his gift of making connections between writers here. I love the weaving of the web that Substack encourages.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

I am so thankful to Markael for using his wizard thread to connect our worlds…i was seriously enchanted by the common undercurrent we are each tracking, but in such unique ways.. your way of seeing brought so many revelations to my own exploration of these realms, things I had never thought of, but as soon as I read them in your words felt an immediate yes!! The timing was also magical, to read your thoughts right when I am completely steeped in my own contemplation of “where the two worlds touch”…. or as you so beautifully titled it, of two minds 🌚🌝

Yes gratitude to markael for tracking these heart currents and making the connections 😭💎

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Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

Also, I find such potency in how you align humanity and wolves as apex predators in the manner of harmony and service to the whole - in our wildness. This is definitely a thread I feel deeply passionate about.

A fun thought: I would love to hear from you if there’s an essay or two from your archive you especially would recommend for me to read. From my side, I would love to share "Transference of Knowing" + “Holy Human”



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YAY!!! I already love them just from the titles, thank you so much for sharing with me… I will marinate in these worlds and see what wants to be sent back 🥹🙏🐾💞🌈

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I can't wait!

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Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

All of your writing is like a portal to other worlds, one of the only newsletters I actually read. Thank you Kate.

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I am honored… it inspires me to keep getting deeper into the heart of what I want to say 💔🙏 thank you for being here.

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Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

Just lovely and I will be sitting with the question of why do we attempt to eradicate the unpredictable, the Wilde, the curious....

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thank you so much for reading Nancy, and for bringing forth that brave and generative contemplation... how the world's heart would awaken if we all got curious about that question.. to really get to the root of it within. please do share if you encounter anything there that wants to be said <3

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Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

There seems to be something stirring on deeper levels that is birthing a new cosmology into form.

"Cosmopoetic: world-creating. To weave the world into being, through the creative microcosm of our own existence. Isn’t a new birth taking place anytime we cook a meal, say something utterly true, or greet a wild other with our curiosity? Otherworlds are all around us, and are brought to life through our deciphering of their messages. As poet David Whyte says, "treat everything as though it is about to reveal something to you.” This is how we become a walking ecological gift, nurturing more biodiversity expression on Earth through our embodied participation."

This is the heart of who I perceive you to be, the core truth around which you weave your poetic writings: that we are here for "embodied participation", to be curious and alive and present and to dream the pattern into existence, to "weave the world into being."

This arrived on the heels of Emma Liles' cosmological musings yesterday (https://truenature.substack.com/p/of-two-minds).

"The forces of nature move to and through me, as Me. Life is an expression of my choices, my vision, my perception, and my ever expanding consciousness."

Her core theme is one of inner alignment, of bringing body and mind and spirit and source into resonance. It feels to me like another aspect of the larger story.

I too feel the stirrings of cosmology, of pieces falling into place on deeper levels, of words taking form for my next writings. Something is afoot, and I am grateful for you and for all who are birthing this awakening!

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Wow I am, as usual, so touched by the depth of your reflection… I am not sure if you know this but you have a true gift for mirroring, which is something I’ve studied for years and still personally find it just out of my reach. I had already written this when I read your moon piece, but it moved something new within me as I was editing this last night. And thank you for linking that other newsletter, I am so excited to go down as many rabbit holes as possible, especially ones that are in resonance with this world stirring, bringing back together of our wholeness after a very very long time of fragmentation. So thankful for the sharp, bright, expensive vision you bring to my world and beyond 💎💎

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Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

Thank you! I am not very familiar with mirroring; I just share what feels true for me. Although I find that sometimes when I am in conversation with those who feel resonant, I have a greater sense of clarity in what to share, as if there is familiarity or orchestration on a deeper level and I am more conduit than creator.

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the mirroring I’ve studied is in listening so deeply to someone speak that you’re able to hear and reflect the greater story back to them, the one we often miss because we’re too close to see it… but to reflect it back in a way that is so clear and so poetic that the person is able to fall in love with their own story. It’s a serious gift. So yes a conduit!! But maybe also a creator in equal measure 🥲🙏

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Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

I’m over here just sobbing in the car while reading this. I couldn’t even wait until I got in my house. I’m going to be digesting this one for a long time.

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Thank you so much for reading my friend… I feel so enlivened by our shared canid rapture… which I feel is equally deep and also comes through each of us in very particular ways. I am waiting for the doorway that calls us through to create something together around this, or just continuing through love notes like these and admiration for each other’s way of being in the world… where we get to be part human, part four-paws 🐾🐾🐾🐾

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Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

Yes! It is wild to see where our work intersects and then meanders. Reading your words gives depth to my own. Whether we collaborate intentionally or serendipitously, I’m so happy to be sharing this space and these thoughts together.

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8 hrs agoLiked by kate gardiner clearlight

What a gift to get to read this! I'm reading "Women Who Run with Wolves" right now and have been thinking long and hard about my culturally absorbed fear of camping by myself. It feels like it was the exact right time for your beautiful words to find me!

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I’m so happy it found you and resonated with you, especially while you’re already on a journey with that book!! I’ve read it so many times and still every time feels like a brand new remembering 💔 I completely hear you on the fear, and of course some of it is real.. but we still get to make that decision for ourselves ❤️‍🔥🐾 thank you so much for taking the time to read what I wrote… wishing you freeness and mystery on the land!!!

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7 hrs agoLiked by kate gardiner clearlight

Thank you so much, Kate! I think the fear isn't really that something terrible will happen . . . the fear is that I'll lie awake all night worrying that something terrible will happen, and then I'll be tired . . . which sounds terrible. 😂 But I'm almost ready to just confront that and see what happens.

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I 10000% get it, and it does sometimes happen 😂 but I’m excited for you to meet yourself there when it’s right, and hear the moon singing right into your heart 🙏🌙

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7 hrs agoLiked by kate gardiner clearlight


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Sep 26Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

Kate this was absolutely, incredibly, unbelievably beautiful. Thank you for your words, and your weaving of worlds with your imagery and parallels between our human experience and the wild around us (and inside of us). I needed to read this today, and I hope that everyone I know will read it too!

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I am so touched by your generosity of heart, and what a gift to know these words resonate with the parallel world that is You💞💫 thank you so much for taking the time to read it.. and to let me know that it meant something to you 💔🙏

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Sep 25Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

How many of your own rules might you be willing to break? Untamed, unchained, wild...uhmmm how yummy this sounds!!! May many follow your ferocious invitation to break out, break free, remembering the deepest untethered parts of ourselves to bring them forward and into this world to protect and heal in an ever spiraling act of creation and destruction<3 in deep love and appreciation for your gaze and vision of this planet

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🥹 so happy to find your note dear dragon mother… and thank you so much for reading and for understanding what my heart is wanting to say.. Untethered, yes! a couple of weeks ago I hung up my “dream body” from our dreamwork retreat!! It was the half wolf, half human from my dream, and it reminded me of your dream that you shared with me of the wolf girl, and then I remembered your other dreams you shared with us.. that was a very magical time together.

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Sep 24Liked by kate gardiner clearlight

I just cannot envision my life without your writing in it, and I don't want to, either. It's simply spectacular.

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thank you so much for this loving note, when I hit send on a newsletter, it is always a tender moment of hoping someone will understand what I’m really trying to say. It means so much to know that someone is out there, understanding 💔🙏💔🙏

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This…every word. Thank you. 🙏

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